Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What to c onsider in Peer-to-Peer Client/Server?

Peer to Peer (p2p) and Client/Server are the most common network used widely in the world

But do we consider their Pro's and Con's?

Peer to peer -  each nodes (or just simply computers) are interconnected to each other, to share files, or equipments like printer.

-Each of the Computer has their equal privilage on accesing on the network files or surfing through internet.
-In some cases that you may ever had network problems, it is very hard to recognize and troubleshoot the system and also NO ONE of users can control another one!

Client/Server - commonly used on internet caf'es, it's is mostly that a particular computer (or the Server) has the control of all of the acess to either files or internet connection and a the Client are the subordinates to the Server.

-Advicesable, to use on any estalblishment,it's main function is to control hacking of files and visiting on unsuitable sites.
-XD simply, p***rts can't watch porn! :D